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5 Stars "We've been using the Financial Ratios for over 20 years. They give our company a clear understanding of our financial position, how we compare to similar businesses, and what we need to improve to be more profitable."
- Tim, CFO, Midwest printing company

All 2022-23 Financial Ratios Reports

The complete set of 2022-2023 printing and packaging industry financial ratios reports with the ability to report ratios by sales volume range, geographic area, products produced, production equipment, and other criteria. Includes over 100 ratios for all printers and the profit leaders.

Select, filter, and report survey data for various criteria's including geographic region, sales dollar range, market segments, production equipment, and more...

Report of Income Statement Ratios for all printers and the profit leaders including % of sales, value added, paper, substrates, click charges, outside services, factory expenses, and SG&A expenses, more...

Report of Balance Sheet Ratios including current and fixed assets, current and long-term liabilities, and more...

Report of liquidity & activity ratios including current working capital ratio, quick acid test ratio, days cash for operating expenses, and more...

Report of employee ratios including sales and payroll per factory, administrative, & sales employees, and more...