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Printing Industries of America Inc. PIA Financial Ratios

Printing Industries of America, Inc. (PIA)
Financial Ratios Study

Printing Industries of America financial ratios Over 100 years ago, the Printing Industries of America, Inc. (PIA) started collecting and publishing detailed financial ratio information for members of the graphic arts community. The data presented each year provided a detailed and comprehensive picture of the financial status of the major segments of the graphic arts industries in the U. S. and Canada. It allowed individual firms to compare their annual performance with that of many other similar firms, including those which earn above-average profits. Ratio results were published annually.

For decades, The PIA Ratios program has been a staple of the industry. With data from hundreds of printing and related graphic arts firms, the program has always proven to be a trustworthy asset to firms across the country as they attempt to raise their bottom line and find inefficiencies in their operations.

Performance Ratios

The PIA Ratios were always a static hard-copy booklet or PDF document. In 2019, the PIA, in partnership with Profectus Inc., launched the ratios studies as a new online tool called the Performance Ratios. In 2021, PRINTING United Alliance acquired the PIA, so Profectus released an improved product called Financial Ratios Advisor. evaluates a company’s financial information and provides insight into its overall health. It takes the financial statement, balance sheet, and other information and benchmarks it against other participating printing and packaging organizations. Over 100 quantitative industry specific ratios and benchmarks measure your firm's liquidity, operations, efficiency, solvency, profitability, business practices, and other key performance metrics. guides you through the process of entering your financial statement, balance sheet, and other information into the easy-to-use online forms. You can enter multiple years of financial data to examine the current performance of your company in comparison to past years.

The system performs a detail analysis of your data and generates comprehensive company-specific Financial Ratios & Best Practices Reports. The reports contain over 100 ratios, benchmarks, key performance indicators, and metrics about your company’s financial condition, areas that need attention, a weighted score of how your ratio compares to the median of all participants and the industry profit leaders, and advice for improving your profitability.

Financial Ratios Advisor provides a more detail analysis of your financials and business practices than what you would receive from any CPA or financial consultant; and for thousands of dollars less!

More Financial Ratios

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