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Calculate rates for any equipment or service
Calculate budgeted hourly rates for any printing and packaging equipment or service.
Gain insight into your true costs
Get a detailed breakdown of every cost component that composes your hourly rates.
Works with any estimating software
Provides budgeted hourly rates (BHRs) required by any estimating & costing MIS/ERP software.
Fast and easy
No accounting knowledge needed. Update your budgeted hourly rates in just minutes!
Benchmark against other companies
Benchmark your labor, factory, and overhead costs and BHRs against other companies.
Increase Good Sales, Eliminate Bad Sales
Win more orders with higher profit and contribution margins.
Built-in industry "Blue Book" rates study
Includes cost and rates studies for thousands of equipment and services for comparisons.
Import your data
Effortlessly importing your spreadsheets, income statements, budgets, and other data.
Find the best pricing strategy
Create various cost and material markups and pricing strategies using your budget.
Project your profitability
Create income statement based on your budget with projected profit margins and ratios.
Create multiple sets of rates
Manage rates and costs for multiple companies, divisions, locations, or what-if scenerios.
Track changes in costs and rates
See how your rates and costs have changed over time and why.
Satisfaction guarantee or your money back!
If you're not happy within the first 30 days, for any reason, we'll refund all of your money.
FREE expert consulting support
You receive support from a real live Profectus industry business consultant, for any reason.
Makes Spreadsheets Obsolete
Cost Rates Advisor is considerably easier, faster, and more reliable than spreadsheets.
Secure, Protected, and Confidential
Profectus employs strict security policies to your account and data.
Works anywhere you do 24/7/365
Cost Rates Advisor runs in the cloud. Use it anywhere with a browser and internet.
Frequently Asked Questions
The answers to common questions about budgeted hourly rates and Cost Rates Advisor.
Basic Edition Premium Edition Professional Edition
or $49/month
or $69/month
or $99/month
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Select an edition.
+ Expand All / - Collapse All
The basics for small shops that only want to calculate a limited number of rates. Everything you need for calculating rates, comparing your rates to the industry, creating financial ratios from your budget, and developing markup and pricing strategies. Additional features for creating multiple sets of rates and/or what-if scenarios, creating multiple user logins, and other advanced capabilities.
Number of sets of rates or what-if scenarios
Create multiple sets of rates for multiple what-if scenarios, cost budget models, companies, divisions, locations, copies, or for any reason.
1 1 Unlimited
(includes 5, add more as needed)
Number of user login accounts
Create individual user login accounts and access roles for multiple users.
1 1 Unlimited
Number of cost centers rates
Calculates cost rates for for any equipment including sheetfed presses, web presses, digital, large format, flexographic,ink-jet, screen, rewinders, folder gluers, die cutters, foil stamping, hand assembly, mailing, kitting, and more...
15 Unlimited Unlimited
Number of employees
Employee time and costs including wages, benefits, insurance, and other expenses can be allocated or split between multiple equipment.
15 Unlimited Unlimited
Detail budgeted hourly cost rates calculations
Calculates the minimum hourly cost rate you must charge for production equipment and services to break-even or recover your out-of-pocket costs. Calculates detail budgeted hourly cost rates for each piece of equipment including the manufacturing rate, labor rate, SG&A overhead rate, and AIC rates.
Included Included Included
Built-in industry best practice formulas
Engineered by industry experts based on industry best practices and formulas. Expenses can be allocated numerous ways including to SG&A overhead, factory overhead, departments, cost centers, and other methods.
Included Included Included
Live expert consulting support
Speak with a real live industry expert consultant from Profectus for help on setting up your cost rates, a free review of your rates, or whatever you need to successfully implement your rates.
Included Included Included
Reports and graphs
Over 30 detail and summary reports and graphs help you reconcile and manage your cost rates. Click on screen or report data to drill-down directly to the detailed source data for quick access or changes.
Included Included Included
Comprehensive Help & Quick-Start Guide
A comprehensive online help guide with easy to understand instructions, industry best practices, examples, and tips for setting up, updating, and implementing your rates. A searchable knowledge base of information to help you to find answers about using Cost Rates Advisor and industry best practices.
Included Included Included
Stringent account & data security
Your information is protected using strict security practices including cryptographic protocols, data encryption, and complex password strength requirements.
Included Included Included
Cancel or upgrade anytime.
No contracts. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you may cancel anytime. Easily upgrade anytime as your business grows without losing your information.
Included Included Included
Anywhere, anytime in the cloud
PC, MAC, iPad, tablet compatible Cloud, Anywhere, Anytime Access. There's no software to install and you automatically receive the latest enhancements.
Included Included Included
Compare your costs and rates to the competition and industry
Compare your labor, factory, and overhead costs rates to thousands of costs rates from other companies with similar equipment. Find out if your costs are higher or lower than the competition and industry.
Included Included
Import expenses, employees, & other data
Save hours of manual entry by importing spreadsheets, statements, employees, expenses, assets, budgets, and other information using our Data Import Wizard.
Included Included
Keep a historic audit trail of your rates
You can record a history of your budgeted hourly cost rates changes and updates, and track how your rates have changed over time and why.
Included Included
Find the best markup strategy
The Markup Strategy Tool will help find the best markup strategy for maximizing your profit margins and revenue.
Included Included
Create financial ratios from your budget
Analysis, ratio reports, and graphs of your financial budget data so you can benchmark your financials to other companies using the industry studies.
Included Included
Up to 5 sets of rates and what-if scenarios (add more as needed)
Create multiple sets of rates each with different equipment, expenses, employees, assets, and rates. Create what-if scenarios for new equipment, expansions, acquisitions, accounting periods. Select how many sets of rates you need when you sign up or add more later.
Multi-User. Create unlimited user accounts and logins
Create individual user login accounts and access roles for improved collaboration with your coworkers.
Password protect individual companies
Password protect individual companies so other people in your organization cannot make changes.
Interfaces with other applications
An Application Programming Interface (API) allows your estimating and costing software to access your rates, so you do not have to enter them. *If available through your software vendor.

Want a Profectus consultant to prepare your budgeted hourly rates for you? With our optional Quick Start Service, our consultants will enter your data, build out your equipment budgeted hourly rates, and provide a comprehensive analysis of your budget, costs, rates, and financials. Learn more about our Quick Start Service