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Calculate rates for any equipment or service
Calculate budgeted hourly rates for any printing and packaging equipment or service.
Gain insight into your true costs
Get a detailed breakdown of every cost component that composes your hourly rates.
Works with any estimating software
Provides budgeted hourly rates (BHRs) required by any estimating & costing MIS/ERP software.
Fast and easy
No accounting knowledge needed. Update your budgeted hourly rates in just minutes!
Benchmark against other companies
Benchmark your labor, factory, and overhead costs and BHRs against other companies.
Increase Good Sales, Eliminate Bad Sales
Win more orders with higher profit and contribution margins.
Built-in industry "Blue Book" rates study
Includes cost and rates studies for thousands of equipment and services for comparisons.
Import your data
Effortlessly import your spreadsheets, income statements, budgets, and other data.
Find the best pricing strategy
Create various cost and material markups and pricing strategies using your budget.
Project your profitability
Create income statement based on your budget with projected profit margins and ratios.
Create multiple sets of rates
Manage rates and costs for multiple companies, divisions, locations, or what-if scenerios.
Track changes in costs and rates
See how your rates and costs have changed over time and why.
Satisfaction guarantee or your money back!
If you're not happy within the first 30 days, for any reason, we'll refund all of your money.
FREE expert consulting support
You receive support from a real live Profectus industry business consultant, for any reason.
Makes Spreadsheets Obsolete
Cost Rates Advisor is considerably easier, faster, and more reliable than spreadsheets.
Secure, Protected, and Confidential
Profectus employs strict security policies to your account and data.
Works anywhere you do 24/7/365
Cost Rates Advisor runs in the cloud. Use it anywhere with a browser and internet.
Frequently Asked Questions
The answers to common questions about budgeted hourly rates and Cost Rates Advisor.
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About Cost Rates Advisor
Budgeted hourly rates, cost analysis, and benchmarking software.

For years our consultancy, Profectus Inc has used spreadsheets to calculate BHRs for our clients. Spreadsheets often required a lot of work every time you want to update rates or add another piece of equipment, even with creative Excel formulas and links.

Which is why we decided to develop the Cost Rates Advisor budgeted hourly rates software. It has forms and features that simplify the entry, importing, and updating of financial data needed to calculate BHRs. Cost Rates Advisor comes with built-in "best of breed" formulas, intelligence, and functionality for developing budgeted hourly cost rates.

Cost Rates Advisor gives shops a more accurate picture of their out-of-pocket manufacturing and overhead costs so they can strategically estimate and price jobs. Because Cost Rates Advisor is in the Cloud, you can easily access and update your rates anytime, from anywhere, with any PC, MAC, notebook, or tablet using a compatible web browser and internet.

Tested and Proven
  • CostRatesAdvisor was engineered based on tested and proven best practice formulas, accounting principles, and standards supported by the printing and packaging industries.
  • It is used by hundreds of printing and packaging organizations throughout North America and the world, small and large, spanning all industry segments including web & sheetfed, large format, digital, flexographic, ink-jet, screen, mailing, packaging, and in-plant operations. more...
  • CostRatesAdvisor is the most popular cost rates software used and recommended by the printing and packaging industry.

See plans & pricing
advocate anstadt Black Rhino Blitzprint bobjones Brown Printing cjkgroup command copresco DATA Communications derbycity flsun gilson greenwell gutenbergs hatteras hkm Imtech Graphics KDM Knight Abbey lahlouh Liberty Creative Solutions Magna IV simon MWI Direct National nutis oneil wilen press-ent qmc quantum Reed & Witting RRD Packaging Solutions sampco sheridan simon smyth spectrum Strategic Factory Tailored Label valley valtim wilen
Printing industry business management consultants
Profectus business management consultants offers a range of products and consulting services designed to help printing and packaging organizations grow profits by improving business processes, managing budgets and costs, applying sound pricing and sales strategies, and increasing the efficiency of the operation.

Our solutions span the entire organization, from front office to back-end operations including sales, estimating, pricing, customer service, order entry, inventory, production, costing, invoicing, accounting, management information systems, and technology.
man offset press
Craig L. Press, President, Founder
Craig is regarded as the industry expert in budgeted hourly rates and analyzing costs. He has over 40 years of experience in all areas of the printing and packaging industry including sales, pricing, estimating, budgeted hourly rates, order entry, customer service, plant production, costing, inventory control, purchasing, accounting, and technology.

Craig has prepared budgeted hourly rates for hundreds of printing and packaging industry organizations throughout North America ranging in size from 10 employees to 3,000 employees representing every segment of the industry.

He was also a consultant for the Printing Industries of America (PIA) and the National Association of Printers and Lithographers (NAPL) for over 30 years.

This wealth of knowledge perpetually grows with each new client and assignment. Giving us the insight to quickly see into a situation and produce solutions for even the most challenging situations.
Still have questions?
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Join our growing list of satisfied customers.
5 Stars
Key component for continuing to grow and profit

5 / 5 stars
Cost Rates Advisor gives us a clear picture of our costs and supports our pricing strategy. It’s a key component for continuing to grow and profit.

5 Stars
Increases sales and profits within a few months

5 / 5 stars
We noticed an increase in sales and profit margins within a few months of setting up our BHRs and using them in our EFI estimating software.
5 Stars
So easy, we update BHRs every few months.

5 / 5 stars
Updating our rates was such a big ordeal we only did it every 3 or more years using spreadsheets. CostRatesAdvisor is so easy; we now update them every few months."

5 Stars
Gave more confidence in estimates and cost sheets.

5 / 5 stars
Gave our managers, salespeople, and estimators more confidence in estimates, cost sheets, and profitability reports."
more about our customers..

Definition of "Profectus"

Our company name "Profectus" was derived from the Latin word for "Profit". Our organization's mission is to improve the efficiency, cost effectiveness, and profitability of our clients.

Profectus, n. [Latin. advance, progress, profit].

1. The residual value gained from business operations..

2. Acquisition beyond expenditure; excess of value received for producing, keeping, or selling, over cost; hence pecuniary gain in any transaction or occupation; as, a profit on the sale of goods..

3. Accession of good; valuable results; useful consequences; to be of service or advantage; benefit; avail; gain..

Profectus, Inc. · Sarasota, Florida · United States · Phone: 1-888-868-8662
Business management consultants specializing in the printing & packaging industry since 1993.
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