We'll take hours or days off your to-do list by entering and building your budgeted hourly rates!
By leveraging our expertise, you will significantly reduce your time, resources, costs, and trial-and-error.
Here's how the Quick Start Service works:
One of our industry expert consultants will be dedicated to your project, guiding your organization from start to completion.
The consultant will send you a project kickoff letter and a request for the necessary financial and production information
such as Profit & Loss expenses, employee wages & benefits, and list of equipment.
The consultant will analyze and enter your information into
your Cost Rates Advisor subscription based on your company and industry best practices.
While building your BHRs, the consultant with schedule remote web sessions
(typically 2-4 sessions) with your organization to:
- review and fine-tune your budgeted hourly rates,
- provide training on Cost Rates Advisor,
- discuss implementing your updated BHRs,
- provide recommendations for improving your bottom line,
- discuss mark-up and pricing strategies for products and services.
Most projects are completed within 2-4 weeks. Once completed, you will have full access to your active Cost Rates Advisor subscription
and data, and the ability to update your rates anytime, without the assistance of Profectus (unless requested).